Submit your winter league entry

Complete this form by 31st July
Club Name E-mail General comments Mens teams Ladies teams Mixed teams Total number of teams entered sub-total £ (£3 per team) IF YOU ONLY PLAY WINTER SEASON ADD AFFILIATION FEE £10 Submit


Please complete the form on the right by 31st July. This will go to the ADLTA league secretary.
It is important that you include your club's name.
If your club only plays in the Winter league then you need to include a payment of £10 Affiliation fee in addition to your team entry fees.
Ensure that the number of teams you enter is realistically achievable.

Paying by bank transfer

account name: Aldershot&District Lawn Tennis Association

account no: 00100536. sort code: 40-08-13

Please ensure you enter your club name so we can match your payment to your club entry form.

Sending a cheque

Make cheques payable to 'ADLTA' and post to the ADLTA secretary (see committee details for the name and address.